Anytone DMR 168 - 868 - 878 - 578 - BTech 6X2

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Videos UK DMR Networks
UK 868 Code Plug                 UK 878 Code Plug UK 578 Code Plug       Codeplugs By Moonraker

1. Questions & Answers Link  2. Digital Contact List Tools
1a. How to start with your new Anytone radio.  2b. kf5iw updating your radio's digital contact list
1b. Why buy a Anytone DMR Radio.  
1c. Why you need a Windows PC.  
1d. Programming an AnyTone on Linux.  
 3. DMR APRS  4. Analog APRS
APRS = No 3, 4, 11, 59, 72, 74, 85, 87, 90, 114, 116, 145, 148, 156
GPS = No 47, 49, 59, 71, 73, 87, 157  
 5. Sending / Receive Talker Alias  6. DMR ID Lookup
 7. Site 1 Firmware & CPS 868878 - 578  8. Site 2 Firmware & CPS 868
 8a Site 3 Firmware & CPS 878 - 578  8b Site 4 Firmware & CPS 878 -578
 9. Site 5 Firmware & CPS New D168
10. Drivers if required. 64 Bit - 32 Bit & Windows 10/11
11. APRS Symbol Chart 12. Mods - 868, 878 and Mods 578
  12a. Mods - 868, 878 and Mods 578
12c. Mods - 168 12b. Expanding RX frequencies
13. MCU Reset – 868 & 878 - D168 14. Firmware & MCU Reset - 578
15. 2E0UKH Videos 16. Facebook Group
17. How to update CPS and Firmware 18. TOT Radio Timeout Timer 180s
17a. AES256/ARC4 encryption CSV Export/Import  
19. How to use Radio 20. 578 - Repeater (Cross Band) No 159
21. Strange or odd things happening with radio
22. Edit CSV with OpenOffice
23. Scanning No 43, 68, 108 24. Customized Opening Screen Made Easy
25. How to import Codeplug from another radio 26. Open Codeplug in a Different CPS Version
27. Ham Radio use of DMR 28. Register for DMR ID
29. AT-D878UV and AT-D868UV Battery Latch
30. Download Startup/Background Screens Also post
31. KB2MXV Videos 32. Add Talk Groups  No 109
33. Access Reflectors 34. Private Call
35. D878UV BT Module Install Video 36. Icons and Icons No 48, 86
  36a. 168 Icon
37. Change Band/Mode 168-868–878–578 No 78, 79 38. Jason Reilly Website
39. DMR is like making a phone call No 103 40. Zone UP DOWN not working
41. Correct Antenna for Anytone 868/878
42. TX Permit
41a.  Antenna trim for 868/878     No 130 to 132  
43. Scanning DMR VFO Frequencies No 23, 68, 108 44. Export and Import All CSV Video 13
45. Bugs, Report, Request Form 46. Digi Moni
47. Ranging / Measure Period 48. 578 Missing Icons No 36, 86
49. Roaming No 157 50. Settings I Use
51. Anytone DMR Simplex UK 52. BT Firmware V10033
53. BT FW upgrade for D578UV and D878UV
54. Change Languages
55. Online Text Message 56. Expanded RX Frequencies 868 878
57. STE - Squelch Tail Eliminate 58. Expanded RX Frequencies 578
59. GPS, APRS and Bluetooth Missing
60. PMR 446
61. Selecting operational bands 578 and This link
62. External speaker socket 578
63. Green Irregular Blinking Led
64. How to stop BT PTT drop out
65. How to scan between two sets of frequencies 66. How does one respond to a PRIVATE CALL
67. Anytone Update Instructions by Allan VK3SLR 68. Using the address book to dial EchoLink nodes
69. Virus detected! Is the CPS really safe to use? 70. Last Call Reply
71. Faster GPS Lock 72. OpenSpot sending APRS and Talker Alias
73. GPS Test 74. Pi-Star sending APRS and Talker Alias
75. BT PTT Settings 878 - 578 76. Engraved Self Adhesive Call Sign
77. Change Band/Mode with Existing Codeplug 78. 868/878 Band Error and four ways you can fix it
79. 578 Band Error and four ways you can fix it 80. Preventing your radio from freezing or locking up
81. External speaker sockets on the AT-D578UV 82. Missed Call Window
83. Fix frozen during boot up 578 84. Fix frozen during boot up 868 / 878 / 6X2
85. Digi APRS RX 86. 878 icons explained No 36, 48
87. Missing – GPS, Bluetooth, APRS
88. Windows 10 or 11 Drivers
90. Analog APRS will not work
91. 868/878 Make your radio sound like a Motorola
92. 578 Make your radio sound like a Motorola
93. USB Not Working in Windows 10
94. Remove Spaces
95. Pi-Star FAQ & Playing with Pi-Star & Facebook
97. 578VU Pro can not see the BT module (In menu)
98. By Bud W0RMT - BrandMeister Messaging Make sure you do the CONFIG SHORT
99. Anytone GJ-0485 Base station power supply
100. CPS Programming password lock
101. 4000 Disconnect
102. Difference in radios
103. DMR is like a Phone Call No 39
104. Digi Moni is missing in radio
105. Backing up vital alignment 868/878/6x2
106. Run Time error 13 107. Backing up vital alignment 578
108. DataACK Disable No 23, 43 109. Access Talk Groups
110. N0GSG DMR Contact Manager Video 21, 31
111. Anytone Q8 Bluetooth Earpiece User Guide
112. Working a Repeater via Manual Dial 113. 3 Beeps
114. APRS via ISS and This Link 115. Amateur Radio Stations heard via ISS
116. Work the ISS using APRS 117. Download 7zip. Videos 25 to 28 on how to UN-Zip a file
119. Anytone power levels on Analogue
120. Remote Moni 121. Linking to Gateway Dynamic Talk Groups
122. KlickFast - Photo 1 - Photo 2
123. DMR Text Message on BrandMeister
  123a DMR Text Message FreeDMR Network
124. Motorola RAS and CAP+.
126. 868/878 Resetting your power on password
127. 578 Resetting your power on password
128. Anytone encryption to Motorola / Hytera
129. Compatibility of Encryption
130. Handheld Antennas Which is the Best No 41
131. How to determine a 'fake' Nagoya antenna.
132. All Antennas are Not Created Equal No 41 133. Speaker Microphone Pin Out No 144
134. Edit DMR ID info (Free to Edit)
136. Function Keys not Working 137. Volume to Loud
138. CDT - CTCSS/DCS Tone Scan No 143 139. 3D Print 868/878 Knobs
140. 3D Print 868
141. 3D Print 878
142. 3D Print 578 143. CDT Scan No 138
144. Mic RF interference Mods No 133
145. Analogue APRS RX No 148
146. 868/878 CPS to New 878II CPS
147. Anytone on FreeDMR Network
148. Analogue APRS RX by Alex No145
150. Brodit Holders
151. Can the 868/878 be used as a scanner?
152. Can the 578 be used as a scanner? 153. Selecting operational bands 868/878
154. Selecting operational bands 578
155. SMA connector
156. SMS/Messages via Analogue APRS 157. GPS Roaming No 49
158. Anytone IGate
159. 578 SFR Repeater IT.pdf No 20
  159a 578 SFR Prpeater EN.pdf
160. 161.
162. SignaLink USB for AnyTone D578
163. Codeplugs for fun
164. 868/878 Replacement Radio Front
165. 868/878 Original replacement body
166. Decode 5 Tone by Francesco IK8JHL  English
167. SMA Male Nut Flange Panel Mount
166. Decode 5 Tone by Francesco IK8JHL  Italian  
168. Catalog_Anytone_2023_ENG.pdf
169. Anytone QB-44HL (Type C) 3100mAh Battery
170. 578 Custom Cable for the DigiRig mobile
171. AT-D168UV brochure.pdf
172. AT-D168UV manual.pdf
174. 175.
  Back to Top
A. Brandmeister UK B. DVSPh UK
A1. FreeDMR UK  
C. BrandMeister API keys D. You Must setup Brandmeister SelfCare
E. Dynamic and Static Talkgroups on Brandmeister F. DVSPh UK Talk Groups
G. Brandmeister Talk Groups H. DVSPh UK Hotspots
I. Access Reflectors J. Add Talk Groups
L. Brandmeister UK WiKi
N. MMDVM-CAL Video 32
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1. 2E0UKH Videos
2. KB2MXV Videos
3. Create Codeplug. Same for 868, 878, 578
I could not find one good video.
4. APRS (analog and digital) Non off the videos show
the new CPS. But you get the idea.
5. Add Talkgroup via Keypad 6. Dial Talkgroups not programmed in radio
7. Hotkey to send a TG4000 disconnect 8. Transfer codeplug to Anytone 578
9. MCU Reset 868 878 10. MCU Reset 578
11. Dual band receive Anytone 578 12. 578 Repeater/Cross Band
13. Export & Import all CSV files No 44 14. VFO Save as Channel
15. D878UV BT Module Install Video 16. Ultimate Anytone Bluetooth guide!
17. How to Import the Digital Contact List 18. Ranging
19. Background Image / Startup Photo 20. 6 ways to un-link
21. MASS Change/ADD DMR Codeplug Channels with Contact Manager No 110
22. OpenSpot on Brandmeister
23. OpenSpot DMR AutoCal
24. Program AnyTone 878 Without a Computer
25. How to Set 7zip as Default 26. How To Unzip A Compressed File Folder
27. How to Extract and Compress Files with 7zip 28. How to extract .zip and .rar files using 7zip
29. Digital hold times info 30. How to add Channels
31. DCF Export / Contact Manager No 110
32. MMDVM-Cal Using RTL-SDR & SDR Sharp
33. Handheld Antennas Which is the Best
34. ISS Setup
35. 878V2 APRS RX 36.Use Air Band Receive on the AnyTone 578 V2
37. Storing and Sending DTMF Tones 38. Send DTMF on the fly
39. Add my Allstar micronode freq to code plug 40. Winlink Anytone 878 or 868
41. Digi Moni
42. Satellite mode / Satellite function
43. How to update satellite 44. How to use satellite on Anytone 168,878
   Back to Top



I will keep adding to the above.
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