D-Star Channel and DTMF Commands


Add into the memory (
DCS (XLX), REF, XLX Reflectors )

Make sure that GB7xx B and G both have -
GB7xx(s)(s)B and GB7xx(s)(s)G
(s) = Space
By the way, the "A" is on 1.2 GHz, the "B" port is for 70cm, and the "C" port is for 2m. 
So if you set RPT1 for "KE7LKX B", that would be the 70cm

G = Gateway

Click on image to enlarge

In the Photo DSC, REF and XRF is examples only, on how to enter into your radio.
U = Unlink (Unlink should be done before moving to new reflector)
I  = Info (Tells you what reflector your on)
E = Echo (Echo test your radio for quality signal, connection)

At this time, DTMF does not seam to work on MMVDM repeaters. https://forum.pistar.uk/viewtopic.php?t=3668&start=20

DTMF on a MMDVM, Repeater and Pi-Star hot spot you can change Reflectors with the keypad using DTMF tones.
Here’s how.
Press PTT and then Press # this will unlink you from your current reflector.
To connect to new reflector for example REF001c
Press PTT and then press *1C
A-B-C-D are the top 4 buttons
REF030C = *30C
For DCS Reflectors start with D
DCS005B = D5B (New name is XLX. But you still use D)
For XRF start with B
XRF012A = B12A
You do need to have the CQCQCQ in the radio as if you were talking on a reflector for this to work.
It makes changing reflector fast and easy.
If you press 0 it will tell you what reflector you are connected to.



0 Voice / Info Announcements
# Disconnect Active Link
** Reconnect to default connection
A Disconnect CCS call routing
*00501   Link to DPlus Reflector REF005A
( The last 2 digits translate from 01 to 26 and equal A to Z )
B02102    Link to reflector XRF021 B
( The last 2 digits translate from 01 to 26 and equal A to Z )
D00126  Link to reflector DCS001 Z
( The last 2 digits translate from 01 to 26 and equal A to Z )


A = 1 B = 2 C = 3 D = 4
E = 5 F = 6 G = 7 H = 8
I = 9 J = 10 K = 11 L = 12
M = 13 N = 14 O = 15 P = 16
Q = 17 R = 18 S = 19 T = 20
U = 21 V = 22 W = 23 X = 24
Y = 25 Z = 26



Short Codes
Short codes can now be used.  
Basically any leading 0's may be missed. 
Also the dPlus Modules (A-D) can be accessed 
using A-D on the DTMF keypad.

*501  or  *5A



          Will link local module to reflector REF005 A

B102 or  B1B



Will link local module to reflector XRF001 B

(The last 2 digits translate from "01 thru 26" to "A thru Z")


D101 or  D1A



Will link local module to reflector DCS001 A

(The last 2 digits translate from "01 thru 26" to "A thru Z")


Info from this site








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